Wildlife artworks galore!

WildNet Africa Wildlife Book

Author: Kenneth Newman
Publishers: Southern Book Publishers, 1996
REF:B004 PRICE: R100
Pages: 512 Size: 125 x 205 mm

Newman's Birds of southern Africa, the region's leading field guide to birds, illustrates and fully describes all the birds recorded from the Antarctic to the Zambezi, even the rarest vagrants. Its range includes the birds of the southern seas as well as those of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique.

Newman's Birds is constantly updated to incorporate the latest available information relating to the birds of the region. This new edition includes:

- extensively revised illustrations

- additional bird paintings

- revised text

- colour coding system to guide you to the groups of birds you are looking for

- running heads at the top of the text pages to identify which group of birds you are looking at

- large page numbers for easy reference

- a photographic guide to major bird habitats in southern Africa

- a life list in English, Afrikaans and German

- indices to the English, Afrikaans, German and scientific names

Kenneth Newman, renowned bird painter, author and ornithologist, has contributed largely to the increased interest in and awareness of birds in recent years. He is past president of the South African Ornithological Society and has been a recipient of both the Zoological Society of Southern Africa's Stevenson-Hamilton Medal and the Southern African Ornithological Society Gill Memorial Medal.

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